You may (or may not) have noticed I missed last weeks Top Ten Tuesday. I spent the day studying for my last final and getting ready to fly to Arizona to spend the rest of the week and weekend with my grandparents. But I promised myself that I wouldn't miss this week.
Top Ten Words/Topics That Instantly Make Me Buy/Pick Up A Book
1. Magic
I love books that have elements of magic. A magic system, a magic world, etc.
2. Travel
I want to see the world! Books that include travel (even road trips) are ones that I always try to check out.
3. Royalty
I have a thing for monarchies, royalty, and castles. I love books that feature a monarchy.
4. Mythology
I love all kinds of myths and legends Modern retelling or books that incorporate the ancient gods or goddesses are always interesting to me.
5. Academy
I don't know why, but I always loved the idea of attending a boarding school. So when a book has an academy or boarding school I take a look.
6. Dystopia
I don't know why they are so appealing, but there is something about a someone making the best of a horrible world that I find both cautionary and fascinating
7. Gifted
I love super intelligent people and otherworldly gifts. When someone has something extra about them in powers or smarts, but it isn't magic.
8. Strong, Sassy Female Lead
So this is more of a topic then a word, but I really identify with strong, sassy female leads and love to find books with a independent, strong heroine
9. Clean Romance
I love romance, but with New Adult novels I find myself returning books that give too much graphic detail. I want a romance that isn't explicit.
10. Redemption
I love stories of redemption! It reminds me that we can change and become our best selves.