Top Ten Things to Read When You Need Something Light and Fun
I think I am going to agree with what I have found to be the consensus of this weeks Top Ten Tuesday, which is that this is a great list because we all have days where all we need is a light, fun book to cheer us up! While I had a few I tend to turn to myself, finding ten was harder then I thought. So I decided I'm just going to post the covers of a six books I did think of. They are linked to goodreads so feel free to have a look. These are books that I personally find to be fairly quick and simple reads that remain fun and mostly light!! FYI: This list includes two adult chick-lit novels (Authors: Sophia Kinsella and Shannon Hale)
I almost put rapunzel untangled myself but parts of it were dark enough I changed my mind. Also agree with you that most of Meg Cabot's books classify! :) Thanks for the visit!
A 21-year old college student who escapes from life by reading young adult romance, fantasy, and adventure fiction, along with the occasion adult or middle grade book.
The Princes Diaries was a great series! It for sure categorizes as a light and fun read.
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I almost put rapunzel untangled myself but parts of it were dark enough I changed my mind. Also agree with you that most of Meg Cabot's books classify! :) Thanks for the visit!