Today is the One Year Anniversary of my book blog! While I haven't been actively updating since my Summer abroad with limited internet last Summer to my crazy semester upon returning, I have been doing some behind the scenes work. The Harry Potter post about WB Studio Tour London is almost done! It has some fun pictures from my visit and mostly talks about the filming secrets that they used to bring the books to life. I also have read maybe 50 books since my last review so I have a bunch of notes being sorted and prepared for review posts, which might look a little different since I am trying a new review format. So while right now I haven't been actively updating I am getting to a point where I hope to be posting at least once a week.
So while that is a update on my life and progress to returning to the blogging world, I wanted to take a minute to acknowledge that I have had this blog since March 29, 2013 and I'm quite proud of it! I hope to continue to gain connections and expand my blogging because I am a reader! Reading is my escape from life. I will never stop reading and I enjoy putting my opinions in the world and finding other book blogs to get recommendations from. This blog brought me many wonderful things in the months I began it and I can't wait to get back to that point again.
I hope that despite my extended hiatus my followers will still be with me when I begin posting again in the next few weeks.